Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
~1 Peter 4:10

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Guatemala - Day 1

I made it to Guatemala! (The sign says "Estoy Aqui")

At our planning meeting this morning, the director (Tim) said that if we hear any explosions in the night that we shouldn’t worry…it is just the local witch doctors shooting off mortars. What a different place!

Today we looked at a hospital in Antigua to learn about local building practices and to look at the typical needs of a larger hospital in Guatemala. Then we checked on the progress of a previous eMi project, a school. After that, we braved the mudslide-covered roads and arrived safely at Chichicastenango. We will be looking at ways to add an eye clinic to the existing hospital, so we took a tour and met with someone who has worked with the hospital for a long time to find out what needs improvement. Tonight, we met with the hospital administrator and with the matriarch of the hospital to learn about their plans and goals, and learn how God has used this hospital to minister to people during civil wars and water shortages. This hospital (The Good Samaritan Hospital) is a great ministry for the town. Here are a few pictures from today’s adventures:

Antigua, Check out the cool colors and the cobble stone road!

Mudslide (There is road under there, I promise)

Panamoramic View from the top of the Hospital

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