EMI hasn’t been all engineering and traveling. Every week, Alfonso and I work at Hogar de Vida, an orphanage here in Atenas. The day starts with a Bible study (in Spanish, of course) and then we are off to our various tasks. One day I helped a team from the States mix cement so they could build a new septic system. Another day, Alfonso and I helped clear logs that had been cut from fallen trees. We have also cut the grass a few times, which has given me a new appreciation for self-propelled lawnmowers and gloves. One week, we helped plant banana trees. The orphanage wants to be more sustainable, so they are hoping to grow more of their own food. We got to do our small part to help by digging holes in the side of a steep, muddy hill through grey, cement-like clay and planting 5 to 8 foot tall banana trees. We have also helped cut weeds and small trees using machetes, and we still have all of our fingers.
It has been neat to think about the orphans while doing all of these things. To remember we are cutting grass so orphans have a safe place to play or planting trees to the orphans can have food to eat.